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Lowland rainforests on Borneo are being degraded and lost at an alarming rate. Studies on mammals report species responding in various ways to habitat changes that occur in commercial forestry concessions. Here we draw together information on the relationship between the ecological, evolutionary, and biogeographic characteristics of selected Bornean non-volant mammals, and their response to timber harvesting and related impacts. Only a minority of species show markedly reduced densities after timber harvesting. Nonetheless there are many grounds for concern as various processes can, and often do, reduce the viability of wildlife populations. Our review of what we know, and of current understanding, helps predict mammalian dynamics and subsequent mammal-induced ecosystem changes in logged forests. We identify groups of mammal species that, although largely unstudied, are unlikely to tolerate the impacts associated with timber harvesting. On a positive note we find and suggest many relatively simple and low-cost ways in which concession management practices might be modified so as to improve the value of managed forests for wildlife conservation. Improving forest management can play a vital role in maintaining the rich biodiversity of Borneo’s tropical rain forests.  相似文献   
Ribonuclease (EC activity in the obligate halophyte Suaeda maritima (L.) Dum. var. macrocarpa Moq. was studied in relation to salinity (increasing concentrations of NaCl) of incubation and growth media. In vitro, the addition of 50 to 400 m M NaCl did not affect ribonuclease activity. This result, which was also found for Phaseolus vulgaris , indicates that the hydrolase is insensitive to high saline concentrations. The subcellular distribution of RNase activity did not change significantly with the salinity of the medium or with the age of the plant. The microsomal ribonuclease activity expressed on a fresh weight basis represented in every case less than 6% of the total activity. After 23 days of culture, the absence of salt stimulated the activity of soluble ribonuclease in aerial parts of Suaeda ; inversely, the capacity of the enzyme was lower under optimal saline conditions (130 m M NaCl). This was also evidenced by transfer of whole plants from a non-saline to a saline medium. Such a saline shock caused a decrease followed by a stabilization of the capacity of ribonuclease from Suaeda . The influx of NaCl in the tissues lowered the activity of the hydrolase.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Zur Bestimmung des cytotischen Membran-Turnovers wurden morphometrische Messungen an über 60 Zellen der Art Amoeba proteus durchgeführt. Danach nehmen diese Amöben 0,14% ihrer Zelloberfläche pro Minute durch permanente Endocytose in das Cytoplasma auf. A. proteus benötigt also insgesamt 12 Std, um die gesamte Zellmembran während der normalen Bewegung einmal zu erneuern. Infolge des geringen Membranturnovers kann der permanenten Endocytose keine aktive Bedeutung für die Erzeugung der Bewegungstriebkraft zugesprochen werden. In Übereinstimmung mit dieser Vermutung ließ sich eine Abhängigkeit zwischen Fortbewegungsgeschwindigkeit und Endocytoseintensität nicht nachweisen.Entsprechende Messungen mit drei verschiedenen Endocytoseinduktoren ergaben für die induzierte Endocytose in Abhängigkeit von der verwendeten Substanz eine wesentlich höhere Ingestionsrate von 0,43–2,25%/min. Derartige Spitzenwerte können allerdings nur innerhalb eng begrenzter Zeiträume von 15–30 min erzielt werden. Vergleicht man dagegen die Membranaufnahme während der permanenten und induzierten Endocytose über längere Zeitintervalle (4–5 Std), so bleibt die induzierte Endocytose mit 0,05–0,12%/min in der Intensität deutlich hinter der permanenten Endocytose (0,14%/min) zurück. Eine Erhöhung der Temperatur auf 30° und eine Erniedrigung auf 15°C bringen beide Endocytoseformen zum Erliegen.Die permanente Endocytose muß bei Amöben neben der Phagocytose als der wichtigste Mechanismus zur kontinuierlichen Aufnahme gelöster und suspendierter Stoffe (bis zur Größenordnung von Bakterien) angesehen werden.
Pinocytosis and locomotion of amoebae
Summary Cytotic membrane turnover of Amoeba proteus was morphometrically studied in more than 60 cells. The results obtained indicate that 0.14% of the total cell membrane area per minute is ingested by permanent endocytosis. Consequently during normal locomotion the total cell membrane area is renewed once within 12 hours.This rate is too low to play any role in the generation of motive force. No correlations were found between the rates of locomotion and permanent endocytosis.Comparative measurements on cells treated with three different substances inducing endocytosis reveal that induced endocytosis leads to an increased rate of membrane ingestion of 0.43–2.25%/min depending on the substance used. These high rates, however, are only maintained during short periods of time (15–30 min). When the rates are calculated on the basis of long periods of time (4–5 hours), it is obvious that induced endocytosis (0.05–0.12%/min) is less effective in long term membrane turnover than permanent endocytosis (0.14%/min). Endocytotic activity is completely abolished by both the increase and decrease in temperature to 30°C and 15°C respectively.In addition to discontinuous phagocytosis permanent endocytosis is an important mechanism for continuous ingestion of fluid including particles up to the size of bacteria.
Der Kultusminister des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen unterstützte die Untersuchung aus Überschußmitteln des Westdeutschen Rundfunks.  相似文献   
In participatory plant breeding, farmers are involved in simple selection schemes that are not suitable for assessing genetic variability in the segregating populations. We propose to use information derived from molecular marker analyses to help monitoring such populations. In this study, we used three indicators to compare genetic variability in eight genetic structures, that is three plant populations selected by farmers over five generations, three nonselected populations and two commercial varieties. The three indicators were the polymorphic locus rate, heterozygosity rate and dissimilarity index. The results highlighted that the genetic variability decreased more with farmers’ selection than with environmental factors. The breeding process was not complete because genetic variability in the selected populations was midway between that of the nonselected populations and that of the commercial varieties monitored. The three proposed indicators were relevant for describing the studied populations. They could be interpreted according to a grid drawn up on the basis of the results of the present study.  相似文献   
The investigation of Encelia canescens afforded, in addition to several known compounds, four new dimeric p-hydroxyacetophenone derivatives, two epimeric chromene dimers and two epimeric mixed dimers of euparin and encecalin. Furthermore, derivatives of tremetone and of encecalin were present. The structures were elucidated hy high field 1H NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   
This article examines a recently reported generalization. Materials from more than a score of invetigations are drawn upon. These materials show there is not a substantial research base for the claim that interbreeding in the United States between black people of African ancestry and white people of European ancestry has resulted in increased lower limb height relative to sitting height.  相似文献   
Summary A light microscopic investigation of the rabbit pineal gland with the aid of silver-stained sections gave the following results. In the gland a medulla and a cortex can be distinguished, the medulla containing so-called light and dark pinealocytes, the cortex only light ones. Autonomic nerve fibres reach the pineal organ by two routes: (1) via the perivascular spaces of pineal blood vessels and (2) via two distinct nerve bundles, the nervi conarii. Bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy revealed that these pinealo-petal nerve fibres are mainly orthosympathetic postganglionic. Intramural pineal neurones with synaptic-like structures on their cell bodies and dendrites point to the presence of a parasympathetic innervation next to the orthosympathetic one. Direct afferent or efferent neural connections with the brain appeared to be absent. Acknowledgements. The author wishes to thank Professor Dr. J. Ariëns Kappers for encouragement and help, Mr. H. K. Koerten for his technical assistance and Miss A. M. Feddema for typing the manuscipt.  相似文献   
11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1(11β-HSD1) inhibitors are one of the emerging classes of molecules to fight against diabetic complications. A novel series of 4-(1-substituted-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives were synthesized and evaluated for their anti-diabetic activity. Two compounds showed anti-diabetic activity very effectively. To clarify the mechanism of action of these compounds, the most potent compounds (5g and 5h) of the synthesized analogs were further studied by testing its 11-Beta Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 inhibitory activity through in vitro enzymatic experiments. The results showed that the 11β-HSD1 inhibitory activity of compounds 5g and 5h was stable and efficient. Molecular docking studies revealed compounds 5g (−9.758) and 5h (−8.495) to have a stable binding patterns to the human 11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1.  相似文献   
The survival of primates in moderately disturbed forests is determined by a complex of variables. Correlation analyses suggest that ecological features of a species may confer a basal survival ability but that details of the form of disturbance may be crucially important. Correlation analyses reveal that body size alone is a poor predictor of primate response to moderate forest disturbance. However, when the effects of diet variables are held constant, body size more strongly correlates with survival ability (smaller species surviving better). Degree of frugivory shows a significant negative correlation with survival ability at both univariate and multivariate levels of analysis. In contrast, dietetic diversity is not correlated with survival ability at either level of analysis. Together, body size and percentage frugivory explain 44% of the variation in species’ responses to moderate habitat disturbance. Idiosyncratic responses of species can usually be traced to specific features of the changing environment, such as selective elimination of important food sources and, conversely, the presence of increased densities of particular food sources arising from the disturbance.  相似文献   
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